And ... we're live for Net Zero - an exciting 'tech for good' coding journey using data to help our planet on a path to Net Zero!

Starting from today (Monday 3rd March) and running for the month of March, as part of our Bupa Coding Days UK secondary schools have FREE access to our brand new coding adventure, Net Zero!
This coding adventure consists of two sessions:
Sesison 1: a computer-game-style programming of a rover, driving it around a virtual school based on their own, and collecting environmental data ... and using the wonderful VEXcode Switch environment, they can choose between block coding or python to write their code!
Session 2: analysing the data collected from session 1 using our macro-enabled Boop! spreadsheet, as well as thinking about how to improve the schools environmental impact. What will they choose as their unit of environmental measure ... trees or cows!
If you haven't yet signed up, it's not too late to take advantage of this curriculum-aligned, high-octane (and low carbon), fun coding adventure please visit: to sign up today!