Direct and accountable sponsorship that has a positive educational impact....sounds too good to be true? That's exactly what sponsoring STEM-inspired Coding Adventures with our subscription service offers, and we're spreading the message to PTA's to help you help your schools!
We've been active PTA members and understand how hard it can be to fundraise! Parents and carers are pulled between donations for fairs and events, raffle tickets, prizes and cake sales. They already give what they can and your school benefits from their generosity. So, how can you raise more to fund learning experiences? Have you considered the businesses that your parents and carers work for? Whether local or not, they are a great source for educational funding. We have worked with businesses of all sizes who have been happy to be sponsors of both live in-person events and virtual shows.
How do you encourage the businesses to support you?
Add a call to action to your next PTA newsletter directly asking for business sponsorship
Add the image that we've shared with this post which explains more and how businesses can be involved
Collect the names and contacts and decide which educational experiences to purchase for your school.

And, if you decide that under-funded STEM education should benefit with fun, interactive, inclusive, memorable events that inspire students in digital technology, please get in touch with us at: and we'll do all the rest!