When a child can understand the reason behind learning a subject it has meaning. Giving purpose and real-life examples adds context which is why we always refer to individuals and pioneers in our Coding Adventures. We also discuss how STEM subjects can lead to future careers which help to solve real-world problems.

One such career is a 'Future Farmer' which will cultivate (pun intended!) the research that is already underway to address how we feed an ever-growing population and also how we can successfully germinate, grow and harvest nutritional produce in Space, on the Moon or other planets.
We will need future Botanists, Agriculturists and Engineers to come up with innovations and those people may well be the students in our Primary Schools today. We want to ignite the spark which will grow the tech innovators of the future. Will you help us?
Learn more about what we do and how you can support us: https://www.getwiththeprogram.org.uk/