Thanks to our newly launched Moon Landing Coding Adventure, our own female astronaut, AL THE ROBOT, is now a legendary space traveller, who takes children on an immersive journey as she travels into orbit - but do you know what her name is short for?
That's question 6 in our #WorldSpaceWeek competition, so quick, enter here to win a FREE primary school show! Pssst, if you need a hint check out this page...
** NB If this hint means you wish you’d answered differently earlier in the week DON’T PANIC, everyone can enter up to 6 TIMES!! Go on, have another go! **

#wswcodingcomp #wsw2021 #WomenInSpaceWSW #AltheRobot #MoonLandingCoding #STEM #coding #KS1 #KS2 #spacegovuk #NASA #Space #STEM #coding #caschat #tesforteachers #teachers #CodingAdventures #grassrootscoding #computing #computingcurriculum #STEMLearning #stemlearninguk #stemnow #winsci #girlsinstem #walkthetalk #womenintech #digitalskillsgap