Did you know that in our shows we highlight role models of all genders and ethnicities? And you can win a FREE Moon Landing Coding Adventure for a primary school in our #WorldSpaceWeek competition! Here are some visual hints to help you with question 3...
Which inspiring American engineer, physician and astronaut was the first Black woman in space? Know the answer? Shh! Enter here to win (competition closes this Sunday, 10th October!)

#wswcodingcomp #wsw2021 #WomenInSpaceWSW #AltheRobot #MoonLandingCoding #STEM #coding #KS1 #KS2 #spacegovuk #NASA #Space #STEM #coding #caschat #tesforteachers #teachers #CodingAdventures #grassrootscoding #computing #computingcurriculum #STEMLearning #stemlearninguk #stemnow #winsci #girlsinstem #walkthetalk #womenintech #digitalskillsgap