We're delighted to be planning lots of activities and attending events for International Women's Day (IWD) this year and, as it coincides with British Science Week, we thought we'd share our diary with you so everyone can join in...
5th March: we’re going to Harrington Starr’s IWD event at the IG offices in central London - you can express an interest in going here: https://www.harringtonstarr.com/resources/event/unconventionall--inclusion-through-a-different-lens/
6th-7th March: we’re talking about STEM inclusivity at the Space-Comm Expo in Farnborough - you can register for free tickets here: https://space-comm.co.uk/

8th March (IWD itself) our CEO, Founder and Chief Coding Adventurer, 'Professor' Jeni Trice, hopes to be in Bath for the Cyberwomen Groups Women in Cyber Security event: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/celebrating-international-womens-day-women-in-cyber-security-tickets-802936032287
13th March: our own FREE Bupa-funded Coding Day for any UK primary schools. Anyone can sign up, nominate or volunteer here: www.getwiththeprogram.org.uk/bupa
14th March: everywoman’s Tech Forum and Awards (Jeni has been shortlisted as a finalist!). You can book tickets to the daytime forum event here: https://www.everywoman.com/tech-forum/register/
We'd love to see you at any of these events, or please do sign up to volunteer at or nominate any UK primary school, for one our free Bupa Coding Days (13th March, 13th June, 13th November - www.getwiththeprogram.org.uk/bupa)