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What a wonderful (if hot!) Friday visit to Fairford for ‘Professor’ Trice, AL the Robot and the rest of the Get with the Program team to take part in RIAT, the Royal International Air Tattoo!

We had a great time with AL, showing young people of all ages about what we do at Get with the Program, as well as being asked to be in selfies, show some of the activities from our Moon Landing Coding Adventure, and generally supporting the RIAT 2024 theme of ‘Pushing the Boundaries in Air and Space’. Our very favourite thing of the day was watching the Red Arrows’ display with AL the Robot!

We’re already making plans for next year, and new ways we can help engage even more under-represented groups into STEM careers, having been inspired by all the amazing stands and activities this year, found in the various areas of the Techno Zone: blue carpet for ‘cyber’; purple for ‘come and play’; green for ‘foundations of engineering’; and our favourite, orange carpet for ‘space’!

We’ve had wonderful conversations with the teams from Airbus, DXC, Moog, Aerovolt, TechSheCan, Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Meta, MDA Space, members of the UK Scout movement and some of the team from the national Girlguiding organisation - we were even talking about creating a Get with the Program Brownie Coding badge!!

If you haven’t done so already, please do nominate a school, Guiding, Scouting, Air Cadet or other youth group for our free remotely delivered Moon Landing Coding Adventures, as we currently still have some which have been generously funded by the Civil Aviation Authority. You can nominate by clicking here: … and if you’re from a corporate who’d also like to help fund even more Moon Landing Coding Adventures, please do get in touch at:!



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