Our mission is to inspire the tech innovators of the future, just like the fantastic role model highlighted in question 1 of our #WorldSpaceWeek competition, which asks:
Which inspirational woman is the lead engineer for the Mars Helicopter 'Ingenuity' - the first extra-terrestrial aircraft?
Hint - we love her quote in the pic and may have had a news piece about it on our website... Know the answer?
Enter here and win a FREE Moon Landing Coding Adventure for your chosen primary school!

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#computing #computingcurriculum #STEMLearning #stemlearninguk #stemnow #winsci #ExeSciCentre #brightmindsbrightfutures #inspirechildren
#maketechfun #girlsinstem #walkthetalk #womenintech #digitalskillsgap #mindthegap #careersofthefuture #techcareers #womenoffintech #womeninbusiness #humansoffintech #corporatesponsorship #sponsorus #investinus