📣 Calling all Heads, teachers, LSA's and support staff...is your school 'STEM engaged'? Would you like a fun and interactive way to cover the Computing Curriculum? Would you like to be able to do this without a strain on budgets?
If your answer is 'yes', we have the perfect solution for you....a Get with the Program coding adventure! And, what better time than National Coding Week to sign up!

Our award-winning coding adventures, covering a range of topics, are designed to be delivered as exciting in-person performances, or through interactive, virtual classroom tech-inspiring events. Through our partnership with businesses who are committed to investing in STEM, we can fully fund these enriching experiences.
Ready to find out more? Visit https://www.getwiththeprogram.org.uk/coding-adventures-sign-up or email: getintouch@getwiththeprogram.org.uk to nominate your school for a funded coding adventure!
#NationalCodingWeek #STEMEngaged #STEMSchools #ComputinginSchools #CAS #ComputingCurriculum #EdTech #KS1 #LKS2 #KS2 #PrimarySchoolsEducation #Education #CodingAdventures #Computing