📣 We have some exciting news!
We're delighted that the UK Civil Aviation Authority STEM Programme have funded 10 UK primary schools to take part in a remote Moon Landing Coding Adventure!
Through this amazing generosity, KS1 and LKS2 children (ages 5-9 years) will go on a mission to program AL the Robot to successfully board a Saturn V rocket ready to launch to the moon! Working together with ‘Professor’ Trice the children will learn to design, write, test and debug algorithms on this fun and interactive coding adventure.
Blasting off in the Autumn Term 2024, this opportunity to add a FREE STEM learning enrichment to your planning is not to be missed, and could be part of your World Space Week celebrations!
To nominate your school to take part, please visit: https://www.getwiththeprogram.org.uk/moon-landing-nomination.
For more information on our Moon Landing Coding Adventure and how this supports many of the computing curriculum key terms, please visit: https://www.getwiththeprogram.org.uk/moon-landing
#UKCAA #CivilAviationAuthority #Space #Sponsor #Genrosity #Community #ESG #MoonLanding #CodingAdventure #GWTP #ComputingInSchools #LearningEnrichment
Video transcription:
We have some exciting news!
The UK Civil Aviation Authority have funded 10 UK primary schools to take part in a remote Moon Landing Coding Adventure!
This fantastic opportunity blasts off in autumn term 2024. Nominate YOUR school to take part...
Nominate your school via our website or the STEM supporting resources on the UK Civil Aviation Authority website - the links are in the post caption!
Thank you UK Civil Aviation Authority for your amazing generosity which helps us on our mission to inspire the tech innovators of the future!