Year 2 children were treated to a coding adventure thanks to the generosity of Matrix Booking who kindly sponsored this session at Oakwood Infants School in Hartley Wintney at the beginning of December.

We just love seeing the children working through the activities, using all the tools available and problem solving along the way to ensure their programming has been successful. And, receiving feedback from the teachers on how the sessions have gone means everything to us!
"It was such an enjoyable day and the children learnt a lot. They enjoyed using the Bee-Bots, watching the show and programming their robot to do what they wanted it to do. Not only that, they learnt more about recycling and packaging and enjoyed being able to ensure their robot collected the right things when shopping. They worked really well together as a team to ensure they completed the correct algorithm!" Charlotte Morgan, Year 2 teacher, Oakwood Infants School.
Way to go Matrix Booking, you enabled this fantastic learning experience...thank you!
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