Get with the Program and Bupa Collaborate into 2024!
Get with the Program at Velmead Junior School for Bupa Coding Day
Walking the Talk for International Women's Day 2023
Jeni Trice everywoman Tech Forum Keynote Speech
A Moon Landing Coding Adventure Review!
A Place for Everyone in the Digital Tech Future
The Basis of an 'Agile Methodology'
A Healthy Lunch Bot Coding Adventure Review!
Careers in STEM: 3D Printing Engineers
We are winners!
Sign your school up for a free Bupa Coding Day!
Join our next Bupa Coding Day on 9th March 2023!
Computing teachers, start 2023 the right way!
Lara Gee, we think that you're awesome!
Jobs for now, competitive careers for the future!
If you can see it, you can be it!
Access ALL Coding Adventures with an annual subscription!
We rise together, back to the Moon and beyond
myAko Sponsor a Coding Panto!
Thank you Steph Wright!