Two weeks to go!
It's just under two weeks to go until our next Bupa Coding Day and our army of volunteers are busy preparing!
Two weeks to go!
Speaking, an essential skill for life
Are you ready to smash some stereotypes?
We're Off to Space-Comm Expo!
What is a coding adventure?
Get the feel good vibes and sponsor a coding adventure!
Get with the Program at Bett 2024!
Teacher Feedback!
Listening, an essential skill for life
Eco Coding Adventure Feedback!
STEM Learning Dates for Spring Term
New Year Thanks and Gratitude
Reflection on 2023
Feedback on an Eco Coding Adventure
Year 4's 'programming themselves'
Teacher Feedback!
An Eco Coding Adventure in action!
The last Christmas Coding Panto of 2023!
Blue Box Storage, Farnborough sponsor a coding adventure!
Bupa Employee Activation Day