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Sign up your school or youth group for a coding adventure, nominate a school/group or volunteer to help out with an adventure locally!

Do you work for or know a school or youth group that would like one of our fantastic coding adventures for FREE? At Get with the Program we link businesses with schools and other settings so as many children as possible can explore the wonderful world of technology.


Simply use the form below to sign up your school or group if you're a teacher or staff member, or nominate a school/group if you're a parent, carer or anyone else. We'll find a corporate sponsor and the school/group gets a free coding adventure, including an online show and follow-up activities, plus some great additional resources. 


We also welcome volunteers who want to give back, have a fantastic day helping with one of our coding adventures, and feel great knowing that they're helping to inspire the tech innovators of the future!


Find out more in our FAQs below or feel free to get in touch!

Sign up

Your details

Are you...

Sign-up details

I'd like to... (choose one)
DBS certificate
I'm interested in these coding adventures:

Data permission

We need to check that you're happy for us to retain and use your data in relation to our coding adventures. This may include passing your details to a school if you've nominated one or want to volunteer. Please tell us above if you'd prefer us not to pass your details to the school.

Mailing list

We'd love to invite you to subscribe to our mailing list so we can update you on exciting Get with the Program news and offers. Please let us know if that's ok! Unsubscribing is easy anytime from any email.

Thank you! We'll be in touch soon.​


You're welcome to sign up more than one school - simply complete and submit the form again if you'd like to.


More information on our coding adventures

How does sponsorship work?

We've developed a series of fabulous coding adventures designed to inclusively inspire today's young people to become the tech innovators of the future. A number of organisations have kindly sponsored one or a whole series of these events, so schools can access them for free.


We're always looking for more sponsors, so more children can explore the amazing world of technology. If you're interested you can sponsor directly or contact us


What kinds of businesses sponsor these coding adventures?

All different types of businesses sponsor our coding adventures, and often they have an interest in particular themes, like healthy eating, the environment or space. 


What happens after I sign up or nominate a school?

As soon as a school is on our waitlist we'll get straight on the case and do our best to find a corporate sponsor for a coding adventure. If you've nominated a local school we'll also check with them first to ensure that they want to go ahead.


Which coding adventures are available?

All five of our coding adventures are available: Healthy Lunch-Bot, Eco Coding, Moon Landing, Net Zero and our Three Bears Coding Panto. Each one is appropriate for different ages, so please check on the form above when making your selection.


Which schools can sign up or be nominated?

Any state-funded school or educational setting in the UK, with children between the ages of 5 and 13, can sign up or be nominated for a free coding adventure.


Who can sign up or nominate a school?

Teachers, headteachers and support staff can sign-up their schools, and anyone can nominate a school for a free coding adventure.


Who can volunteer?

Anyone can volunteer to help out with a coding adventure at a local school. We'll pass your details to your local school, and they'll let you know about any additional checks required.


What does being a volunteer involve?

Volunteers have fun helping the children with their teamwork and using new coding terms (some are new to the volunteers too!) Click here for more.

What does each coding adventure include?

Each coding adventure includes a pre-filmed online show and age-appropriate follow-up activities, plus some great additional resources.


What equipment do schools need for our Healthy Lunch-Bot, Eco Coding, Moon Landing and Three Bears coding adventures?

We've designed these so schools don't need lots of computers or equipment to take part. There are unplugged activities which don't need any technology at all, and optional online activities.


For the online shows: Schools will need a computer with internet access and a screen so the children can watch the show together.


For the unplugged activities: Schools will need a hall or communal space (indoors or outside), print-outs of the activity templates, whiteboards/paper and pens, and a way of setting out grids on the floor, (e.g. with chalk, tape or rubber mats).


For the online activities (optional): Schools will need a computer or device with internet access for each child or pair of children.


What equipment do schools need for our Net Zero Coding Adventure?


For the online show: Schools will need a computer with internet access and a screen so the students can watch the show together.


For the online activity: Schools will need a computer or device with internet access for each child or pair of children.


©2025 Get with the Program Ltd.


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