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Sign up your school, nominate a school or volunteer to help
at a local school on one of our Bupa Coding Days!

We're so excited to be continuing our Bupa partnership having already inspired thousands of children. Our Bupa Coding Days take place three times during the academic year, enabling UK schools to access two of our fabulous coding adventures for free!


Our Healthy Lunch-Bot Coding Adventure for 5 -11 year-olds has a healthy eating theme with plenty of delicious coding. Don't miss out - sign up now for 17 June 2025.


Our brand new Net Zero Coding Adventure for 11-14 year-olds is now available! Sign up now for June/July 2025, to enjoy a fantastic high-octane (but low carbon) experience!


Anyone can sign up or nominate a school using our form below, or you can register your interest as a volunteer. Schools will get free access to an online show and follow-up activities, plus some great additional resources. Find out more in our FAQs below or feel free to get in touch!

Sign up

Your details

Are you...

Bupa Coding Day details

I'd like to... (choose one)
DBS certificate
Your Bupa Coding Day preferences

Data permission

We need to check that you're happy for us to retain and use your data in relation to Bupa Coding Days. This may include passing your details to a school if you've nominated one or want to volunteer. Please tell us above if you'd prefer us not to pass your details to the school.

(Thanks, this really helps us!)

Mailing list

We'd love to invite you to subscribe to our mailing list so we can update you on exciting Get with the Program news and offers. Please let us know if that's ok! Unsubscribing is easy anytime from any email.

Thank you! We'll be in touch soon.​


You're welcome to sign up more than one school - simply complete and submit the form again if you'd like to.


​If you're from a school you can go straight to the 'create an account' page - the preparation materials are available one month before each

Bupa Coding Day, on all new and existing school accounts!


More information on Bupa Coding Days

What are Bupa Coding Days all about?

Bupa Coding Days are an initiative sponsored by Bupa and developed in partnership with Get with the Program, giving schools free access to Get with the Program Coding Adventures for 5-14 year-olds. Bupa Coding Days take place three times during each academic year.


Which Coding Adventures are available?

There's a Healthy Lunch-Bot Coding Adventure for 5 -11 year-olds, in which the children program a robot to create a healthy lunch-box! Alternatively older students can code a pathway to net zero in our Net Zero Coding Adventure for 11-14 year-olds.


When are the Bupa Coding Days?

The next date is 17th June 2025, with further dates planned for June/July 2025 and November 2025. See the above form for all the dates you can currently sign up for.


Note that there's a single Bupa Coding Day date each March, June and November for schools accessing our Healthy Lunch-Bot Coding Adventure. However schools can access our Net Zero Coding Adventure over several days to fit in with older students' timetables. 


Which schools can sign up or be nominated?

Any school or educational setting in the UK, with children between the ages of 5 and 14, can sign up or be nominated for Bupa Coding Days.


Who can sign up or nominate a school?

Teachers, headteachers and support staff can sign-up their schools, and anyone can nominate a school for Bupa Coding Days.


Who can volunteer?

Anyone can volunteer to help out at a local school on a Bupa Coding Day. We'll pass your details to your local school, and they'll let you know about any additional checks required.


What does being a volunteer involve?

Volunteers have fun helping the children with their teamwork and using new coding terms (some are new to the volunteers too!) Click here for more.

What does each Bupa Coding Day include?

Schools get free access to our Healthy Lunch-Bot Coding Adventure for 5 -11 year-olds, or our Net Zero Coding Adventure for 11-14 year-olds, completely free of charge.


Our Healthy Lunch-Bot Coding Adventure includes a 30-minute online show and two 45-minute follow-up activities. Schools can access these at any time during each specific Bupa Coding Day.


Our Net Zero Coding Adventure includes a 15-minute online show and a 45-minute follow-up activity. Schools can stream and access these over several days to fit in with older students' timetables.


What equipment do schools need for our Healthy Lunch-Bot Coding Adventure?

We've designed this so schools don't need lots of computers or equipment to take part. There's an unplugged activity which doesn't need any technology at all, and the online activity is optional.


For the online show: Schools will need a computer with internet access and a screen so the children can watch the show together.


For the unplugged activity: Schools will need a hall or communal space (indoors or outside), print-outs of the activity templates, whiteboards/paper and pens, and a way of setting out grids on the floor, (e.g. with chalk, tape or rubber mats).


For the online activity (optional): Schools will need a computer or device with internet access for each child or pair of children.


What equipment do schools need for our Net Zero Coding Adventure?


For the online show: Schools will need a computer with internet access and a screen so the students can watch the show together.


For the online activity: Schools will need a computer or device with internet access for each child or pair of children.


©2025 Get with the Program Ltd.


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